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Social Media Hacks That Will Grow Your Business in 2022

You are on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, but are you generating sales as you should?

How many of you share content on social media platforms like Facebook and get little or no likes or engagement from comments to shares or clicking on your website. This is not peculiar to you alone. Many businesses have these issues, which is why I have decided to share these hacks with you:

Social Media Hacks

1. Respond to every comment.

This applies to all social media platforms which includes Facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. If you respond to every simple comment you are going to get more engagement. Facebook values your comment more than your likes – same with LinkedIn, twitter.

When people leave a comment, it shows your content is good as compared to like which anyone can just give. Respond to comment and also ask questions in your comment not only to encourage the person commenting but to keep the momentum going. So by doing that, your post is more likely to go viral on the social sites

2. Keep your sentences very short (Specific to LinkedIn).

Whenever you are creating content or something from your website on LinkedIn, keep your sentences very short. You can just start with one or two sentences then after which you see “see more”. On LinkedIn the more people that click see more, this tells LinkedIn that people like your content and this will make LinkedIn show it to more people.

3. Don’t just promote your business.

If you keep promoting your business on social sites and you’re not been social which is the essence of the social sites, you’ll find out your reach is going to shrink and nobody will see your content, like or engage with it. Every once in a while you can share things that are social, a story, a picture.

Share something that doesn’t talk about your business but gives other people value or help people. This creates so much engagement because you are not sending people away from social sites. The owners of these social sites want to keep people on their platforms. When you respond to comments, it boosts the authority of your page or profile.

4. Leverage stories on Instagram and Facebook

Facebook and Instagram stories have so many engagements. Share stories multiple times a day. Share like 10 – 15 stories. You can tell people to swipe up. It gets so much engagement. If you do multiple updates to your stories, it gives the opportunity for people to swipe up.

5. Cross Familiar your social profiles

You’re not just on Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter. You are on all of them. At least you are on the major ones. Tell your twitter followers to follow you on Facebook, tell your Facebook fans to follow you on twitter and vice versa. Do that with all your profiles.

You become more popular, so when you post your content on those social platforms its more likely for more people to see those contents. Just because you have a 1000 fans does not mean a large majority will see it. You are even lucky if 10% does sees it. By cross promoting, it gives you a better chance that more people will see it. Your potential customers are more likely to see it.

6. Use exit popups

Exit popups are one of the highest converting thing you will do. Someone’s going to leave you site, and you create that last offer to make them convert. I don’t recommend doing it on mobile I will recommend doing it on desktop. If you want to do it on mobile, I would recommend you wait at least 30secs before you show it because it’s too hard to detect when they are going to leave your site.

With these mobile popups you can asked them to follow you on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. This can help you generate up to 1000 followers per week. You can do that using a tool like HELLOBAR.COM. Other exit pop up tools you can try out are OPTINMONSTREROMNIKICKNINJA POPUPS.

7. Test out videos

Social platforms love videos. If you create video you are giving them more potential eye balls instead of television networks. That’s why company like Netflix are pushing so much into paid contents. Everyone including Facebook, Instagram wants those video contents. So consider creating video contents. So when you do you can get more engagement and promote your business.

You can get more results on your social media when you make use of this simple hacks. Social media can do more for you when you also take advantage of paid advertising that these social sites provides.


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